(c) 2020 Eric Schwartz Lyrics Nice hat. Bright red A recycled nazi slogan Emblazoned on your head Hold a moment...let me check Unless I’m mistaken, that’s cross around your neck That’s for a lover. And the hat’s for a liar They go together like Holy water and Hellfire Well done. Nice move But I’ve got a hard time believing that your Jesus would approve If you held your tongue when 45 made fun of a prisoner of war As he lined his cronies’ pockets while abandoning the poor If he put those kids in cages and you voiced no opposition You can call yourself a Trumper, don’t call yourself a Christian That bible on your shelf have you read it? The part about loving your neighbors, about giving help to strangers I know you say you love the guy who said it. I hear that he loves you, but he loves all sinners too So don’t feel special. It wasn’t earned And You could not fill up a Dixie Cup with everything you’ve learned You can call yourself American, that’s all well and good You can call yourself Republican, though I don’t know why you would You call your self pro-life while abandoning the livin' You can call me sick heretic, but don’t call yourself a Christian You swear that you’re "God fearing", I’d fear him too. If I believed in him and I behaved like you Trumpeting your righteousness while casting every stone And worshiping a golden calf on his golden throne if you force a girl to bear a child And that child grows up in poverty because assistance is denied She goes to class one sunny day And has to hide out in a closet thanks to the NRA She runs home, choking on the air. Cuz the EPA’s been gutted by a gutter billionaire Who abuses his authority, sows hatred of minorities Steals from his own charities, defrauds his university Brags about adultery, lies to you relentlessly Conducts treasonous diplomacy, threatening our democracy Takes infinite emoluments, weaponizes ignorance Glorifies his decadence, ridicules intelligence Undermines the sciences , invalidates alliances Advocating violence, destroying the environment Demonizes immigrants, puts crosshairs on our journalists He defends the white supremacists, helps the isis terrorists He's a Rapist and a racist, and a braggart (traitor) and a bully A narcissist, misogynist and this is just a partial list And if all of that’s okay with you then listen There just might be a message you’ve been missin' Until you make compassion your mission Don’t call yourself a Christian. www.ericschwartz.com
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