Piers Morgan was humiliated by Mehdi Hasan in a heated Trump, Elon Musk debate. #politics #piersmorgan #trump #elonmusk #piersmorganinterview #piersmorgandebate #donaldtrump #maga #republican #mehdihasan
youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?... @ponderingpolitics.bsky.social #fpiercemorgan
youtube.com/watch?v=Zh0_... Mehdi rules. 👍 I really dislike Piers. 🐷😅
Piers Morgan clutches his pearls as he calls the left and the WOKE left "Fascists" while Trump is the fascist! I don't despise many people but I despise Piers Morgan! www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zh0_...
You called it on the show.. "bullshit". youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?...
His "Ohhhh, you're too afraid to answer!" is so destructive. youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?...
jhansigirl1-0.bsky.social Piers Morgan HUMILIATED by Mehdi Hasan, LOSES CONTROL OF HIS OWN SHOW! #MorganMAGAMoments youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?...
Piers Morgan HUMILIATED by Mehdi Hasan, LOSES CONTROL OF HIS OWN SHOW! youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?... via @YouTube
Piers Morgan is a coward and a Trump sycophants. youtu.be/Zh0_QapYoRU?...
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