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We love this for Wayne youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
You're not our favorite Wayne anymore 🔥🔥🔥 #Gretzky youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
A brilliantly executed and rightfully scathing takedown of Wayne Gretzky on *This Hour Has 22 Minutes*—sharp, witty, and utterly deserved.. 🇨🇦 youtube.com/watch?v=_2xz...
Yep 🇨🇦 youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?... Gretzky hasn't been Canadian for 40 years. His wife is American, all of his kids are American, and he's lived in the US since he left Edmonton. And shame on Bobby Orr. Legends fall. Well, you made your choices. ❤️🔥🇨🇦🐦🔥🇨🇦❤️🔥
About Wayne Gretzky (a M*GA with his feelings hurt that Canadians didn't like that he gave the US team a thumb's up and didn't wear a Cdn jersey yet was honorary captain) #CdnPoli youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
22 Minutes declares Gretzky isn't our favorite Wayne anymore. #canadasky youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
A Canadian institution tells it like it is..Wayne..#thishourhas22minutes youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
To my American peeps, just in case you want to know how us Canadians feel, this does a great job of laying it out. And for my Canadian peeps, remember Harper? Well PP, Wayne and the others, have never left his giant bed - so make sure you get out and vote!! 🗳️ www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2xz...
Poor Wayne Gretzky and Bobby Orr are upset. 🙂 youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E?...
Dear America: This is Mark Critch. Basically, if you cross Jon Stewart, John Oliver and a tipsy insurance agent in a bar in Halifax, you get Mark. Allow him to destroy Wayne Gretzky for entertainment, please. #ElbowsUp youtu.be/_2xzQojmf5E
youtube.com/watch?v=_2xz... Elbows up !
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