*PLEASE ENSURE YOU'RE WATCHING THE 4K QUALITY STREAM TO SEE ALL IMPROVEMENTS* Star Trek: Borg - Remastered. Play now at https://BorgRemastered.com This is a project I've been planning for a while, ever since I first learned about the rare Japanese DVD edition of the game. All footage has been AI remastered to HD quality and the game is fully playable in-browser with its own custom LCARS interface. STAR TREK ® and its various marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. BorgRemastered.com is not affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by CBS Studios Inc. *DISCLAIMER:* BorgRemastered.com is a fan preservation project; it was created for experimentation, education & research, is completely nonprofit, and should be considered fair use as stated in the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. section 107. It is not an official product and it should not be sold nor bought. BorgRemastered.com is intended for free private use and any sale or for-profit use is prohibited. The footage at BorgRemastered.com is presented remastered to HD using Topaz Video AI. For more details of my remastering process, see the description of this video: https://youtu.be/-0l-6iBimv8
did y'all know that Star Trek: Borg - Remastered is a thing? it's VERY difficult to get it to work on emulation, it was always clunky to install but now you can play it in a browser, point-click, FMV and all that this is basically a lost episode, if you've never played borgremastered.com
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