Human beings are on the precipice of the next migration era, and comedy is at the forefront of this new age. Some have already begun the journey. This is an ongoing investigation into how our current comedy era got to be so wonderful. How did this once beloved art form come to be run by an autocratic dictator? How it started. Why it won't end. The evolution of the podcast. The shadowy nature of identity. The cycles. Examining the tragic past and psychology that motivates its beloved Dear Leader: Joe Rogan. And wondering if the possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man. To be continued. ■ Patreon ■ Substack ■ Music ■ IG Thanks and sorry about all of this.
This video is incredible. Succinct, spot on.
This channel is art
Så jävla bra
How Joe Rogan both ruined comedy and became the mouthpiece for the MAGA administration
This is an incredible piece of filmmaking and outsider art. One of maybe my favorite documentaries I’ve ever seen.
Če koga zanima Joe Rogen fenomen, je tole zelo fajn perspektiva. V katero smer gre, pove že naslov. Če te naslov odvrne, ne gledat, je škoda slabe volje. :)
Thank you, Elephant Graveyard, for doing your civic duty and roasting this gnome-like blight who festers on the anus of America. Hey, I saw you slugging it out in the comments section! 😂💪🏼💪🏼
very nasty Woke propaganda putting forth a revisionist history where comedy was once about jokes, and not an alternative to Being Alone with Your Own Thoughts where the hosts pump Athletic Greens and dick pills while saying things that might earn them a Rogan invite
banger ep
or the new one:
Rogan's sole raison d'etre is to ball-wash billionaires. Here's an incredible summary of Rogan's rise and decline; and the wider effect on the comedian bro-sphere:
This is perfect.
This — in my most humble — is outstanding.
elephant graveyard continues to be incredible #RuckFoeJogan #JuckRoeFogan
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