
Jim Jordan Pledges To Keep Wasting Energy Investigating Hunter Biden

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan promised last week that he would make his committee continue investigating Hunter Biden, even though he had already received a pardon and they can’t actually charge him with anything as a result of that. In other words, Jordan is pledging to waste time and tax dollars to investigate a man that they can’t even hold accountable if they were to find a crime. This is Republican leadership at its finest, as Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins explains.   Link – Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: Or Support us on Patreon: Buy Ring of Fire merch: Find us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. Well, folks, if you thought that the investigations from the House of Representatives into Hunter Biden were over because his dad gave him a unconditional blanket. Pardon? And he can't be prosecuted for well, anything the Republicans were looking at, um, think again because Republican representative Jim Jordan, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, announced over the weekend that, uh, he's still gonna keep investigating Hunter Biden. Yeah. He's, uh, he's, he's not given up even though, you know, the last two years he's come up with absolutely nothing. And in fact, the only people that have gone to jail are the people that used as witnesses against Hunter Biden because they lied about everything. So his own people went to jail. Hunter Biden got off scot-free because of the pardon. But Jim Jordan says he's not quite done investigating this whole matter, and I can't reiterate enough that you can't prosecute Hunter Biden now. Like he got the pardon, dude, it's over. There is nothing you can do. That's the way that the pardon was written. And yet you're telling us that even though you can't punish him, even though you can't do anything to him, we're still gonna keep it going because, you know, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Right. This is the level of incompetence and stupidity and wastefulness that we can expect from this Republican controlled House of Representatives for at least the next two years. While they have the majority, they're going to investigate things that they cannot even prosecute, even if they found a crime. But they've already been investigating for two years and haven't found a crime. So I don't think they're gonna find one now. But here's what Jim Jordan says. They're not only looking at Hunter Biden, right? They're get a look at some other people now. He says, we think we need to look at David Weiss, the Special counsel. You mean the guy that Trump appointed mean, technically it was Bill Barr with Donald Trump's Department of Justice who appointed him. But the Republican David Weiss like that. That's who that is, right? Like, what? Oh my God. Like now you're going after Trump people, and I don't even think you realize that, but he continues. There will be some additional work we need to do. I think there, uh, because when, when we deposed him, he wasn't willing to, he didn't answer my any questions really, because it was an ongoing investigation. But now it's not because there can't be any more investigation because Hunter Biden was pardoned. So there's literally nothing that David Wise Can tell you that is going to change the fact that Hunter Biden got pardoned. Like, what? Why, why does any of this matter? I wanna know who the people are in this country that give a rat's about a Hunter Biden investigation in the House of Representatives. Who are the people pushing for this? Because honestly, I don't even see MAGA people talking about it. So who are these people that Jim Jordan is trying to pander to? Where are you? Come out of the woodwork, show yourself and tell him to just stop. And I, I'm not just saying stop, because I wanna protect Hunter Biden. I don't give a about Hunter Biden. Never have, never will. He's not an elected official. Never has been. Never will be. So he's been insignificant in my life and always will be. Jim Jordan, on the other hand, is an elected official. Jim Jordan is a man, a human being with a brain, I assume, who knows? He can't do about this yet here he is literally pledging to us that even though he can't do anything about it, he's gonna keep on doing it. 'cause I guess he's got nothing better to do.

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