Far-right activist Richard Spencer, the man credited with coining the designation "alt-right", was punched in the head while talking to the ABC's Zoe Daniel in Washington. For more from ABC News, click here: https://ab.co/2kxYCZY If you're in Australia, you can watch more ABC News content on iview: https://ab.co/2mge4KH Subscribe to us on YouTube: http://ab.co/1svxLVE Go deeper on our ABC News In-depth channel: https://ab.co/2lNeBn2 You can also like us on Facebook: http://facebook.com/abcnews.au Or follow us on Instagram: http://instagram.com/abcnews_au Or even on Twitter: http://twitter.com/abcnews
Happy 8th birthday to this video youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?...
Om extremhögern börjar köra sin "kontroversiella" handgest igen så kanske det är dags för vänstern att använda sin kontroversiella handgest lite oftare: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh0...
Here it is! Still awesome! youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?...
Posting this for no particular reason at all youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?...
I always forget 1) how good it feels to watch this and 2) that Spencer is talking about a fucking PEPE PIN HE'S WEARING right before getting decked
gonna need a lot more of these during the next 4 years. youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk
Timeline cleanse: Nazi Richard Spencer getting cold-cocked on live TV Putting this on a loop for a bit youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?...
In case anyone needs a reminder of how to deal with these losers. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh0...
CN Fascho Gewalt Apropos Amtseinführung von T.: An diese Szene erinnere ich mich noch gern. Und ja, es ist immer ok, einen Fascho zu schlagen. #Handarbeit #Antifaschismus (Videobesch im Druko) www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh0...
To everyone who said we shouldn’t be punching Nazis: We should have been punching them bloody all along. We should be engaged in the 104th year of the most epic Whack-A-Mole in history. Instead, it’s today, and the pasty space nonce is on stage showing us what we’ve won. youtu.be/aFh08JEKDYk?...
What this country needs right now are more nazi punchers. www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh0...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFh0... Celebrate 21 January.
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