1. My PayPal (fundraisers donations only): rick.karl1842@gmail.com 2. 10th NAFO truck campaign with @ATPGeo and @RomanTrokhymets: https://www.help99.co/patches/rick-the-ukrainian-10th-nafo-campaign-with-atp-geopolitics-and-roman-trokhymets 3. Become a member on my BASE: https://base.monobank.ua/ricktheukrainian#subscriptions 4. Become a member on my Donatello: https://donatello.to/RickTheUkrainian/tiers 5. Become a member on my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=87499807 6. My Website: https://www.ricktheukrainian.com/ 7. My BlueSky: https://bsky.app/profile/ricktheukrainian.bsky.social 8. Subscribe to my 2nd channel: https://www.youtube.com/@RollingWithRick67 9. Raising funds for a Car for the 3rd Assault Brigade: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/5DvTLhv3qF 10. Raising funds for the EW repair and recievers for Chimera Group: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/RqZoZGQ5k 11. Raising funds for osteo-integration implants for Tytanovi: https://send.monobank.ua/jar/3x6cbJUayb 12. Auctioning art and trophies to raise funds for UA army: https://www.myminiauction.com/rickrollersauctions 13. Subscribe to Aziza's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@AzizaEskender 14. Aziza's Base: https://base.monobank.ua/azizaeskender#subscriptions 15. Lina's Base: https://base.monobank.ua/linafromcrimea#subscriptions 16. Project Tetyana ( @ProjectKonstantin 's fundraiser): https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/anaj94?country.x=ZA&locale.x=en_US 17. Gostomel Animal Shelter: Paypal: gostomelshelter@gmail.com 18. Join our Discord Community Server: https://discord.gg/xMrbJBmNq7
Nice thank you from Ukrainian soldiers to @ricktheukrainian.bsky.social and our community for Electronic Warfare device to save their lives - and great their @69thsb.bsky.social donated Truck is still allowing them to do it! youtu.be/b21AKXANHMU?...
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