JAI HIND !!! 🇮🇳 This is the bugle call of "Taps" or "The Last Call" and its used to mark the official end of the day or during funerals to honour the martyrs . The tune was originally composed by the American (Union) General Daniel Butterfield during the 1862's Virginia campaign led by General George McClellan (during the American Civil War) . The story goes that General Butterfield didn't like the bugle call of "Scott's Tattoo" which was then used by the Army to signal the soldiers to fall-out and go back to their tents ; he deemed that the tune was too formal and therefore wanted a new bugle call .He subsequently composed this tune by the help of a bugler of his Brigade and found the tune to be calming . the tune was first officially played during the encampment of Harrison's Landing and his soldiers reportedly liked the sound of the tune , they said the tune made them sleep better ! Later it was adopted by the Union army replacing Scotts Tattoo and subsequently by the Confederate army as well . After the war , the tune was gradually being played at funerals to pay respects to the martyrs , the tune eventually became famous worldwide and was adopted by many Armies .
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