DANVILLE, Ky. (LEX 18) — For the last week, we have been keeping you up to date on an alleged shoplifting incident involving a 66-year-old Boyle County man with dementia from back in October. The Danville man, 66-year-old Jon Hardwick, was arrested following accusations of trying to shoplift beer out of a Walmart on Oct. 15. Later, the charges were dropped with prejudice meaning the dismissal is permanent. #dementia #arrest #kentucky #news #lex18 Read full story: https://www.lex18.com/we-follow-through/danville-mayor-chief-of-police-comment-on-dementia-patients-arrest-for-the-first-time See more from LEX 18: https://www.lex18.com/ Download the LEX 18 App: https://www.lex18.com/apps
After Danville Kentucky cops beat the stuffing out of an elderly Walmart shopper with dementia, the local mayor and police chief issue pathetic statements backing the abusive cops and pouring fuel on public outrage www.youtube.com/watch?v=bcBS...
We investigated ourselves and found no wrong doing. youtu.be/bcBSqZhb8ek?...
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