
The Voodoo Child - Vin (Official Music Video)

Support our work by becoming a Patreon: Vocals: Romina Apostol Lead Guitar: Andrei Cerbu Bass: Robert Ciubotaru Drums: Teodor Cusnir Thank you so much for listening to our first single sung in romanian! If you are a rock music lover and want to support a young band, please consider checking out our socials! Lyrics: Nu am vrut să mor de dor Vinul mi-a fost singurul ajutor Dar tu ai vrut să fii călător Să uit ai crezut că e ușor Muza mea sau doar un decor De fapt ești doar un jucător Dacă mor poate scap de dor Vinul mi-a fost singurul ajutor Seară de seară te caut în somn, Prin vise mă învârt să caut un scop Prin valuri de amintiri mă înec Ești ca o furtună de atingeri reci Mă pierd În ochii tăi care-mi invadează sufletul pierdut în adâncul serilor Târzii În care ne iubeam și îmi scriai tot felul de poezii și prostii Seară de seară te caut în somn, Prin vise mă învârt să caut un scop Iar gândul îmi zboară la nopțile cu noi Și buzele amare îmi dau fiori Socials: PayPal: Patreon: Website: Linktree: Spotify: Instagram: TikTok: Facebook group: Lyrics in Engllish: I didn't want to die of longing, Wine was my only aid in belonging. But you, you wanted to roam, To forget, you thought it would be easy alone. My muse, or just a prop you deploy, In truth, you're merely a player of joy. If I die, perhaps I'll escape this ache, Wine has been the solace I take. Night after night, I search for you in my dreams, Through visions, I spin, chasing meaning, it seems. Through waves of memories, I drown deep, You're like a storm of cold caresses that sweep. I lose myself in your eyes, invading my soul, Lost in the depths of late evenings we stole. When we loved and you wrote me all kinds of poetry, And silly little notes, etched in sweet revelry. Night after night, I search for you in my dreams, Through visions, I spin, chasing meaning, it seems. And my thoughts take flight to nights with just us, And bitter lips send shivers, a haunting gust. #Thevoodoochild #rockmusic #alternativemusic

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