This drama series is an account of the rise and fall of New Zealand's 'Mr. Asia', Marty Johnstone (Dan Musgrove), who built the country's first ever drug cartel, the Syndicate. Set between 1972 and 1980, it traces Johnstone's development from small-time crook to international playboy with a global drug empire, and how he became the architect of his own demise. #newzealandtelevision #newzealandhistory #crime #drugcartels #drama #syndicate
Here's one for us Aussies. Most of you know the Underbelly series. Did you know there's an NZ one ? Me either !! Yep. Ep 1 was posted recently & the producers says they're dropping ep's every Friday on YT. Enjoy #GoPies #underbellynz #allblacks Enjoy !
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