Brother have become as bad as the other printer companies. :( :( :(
Ach shit
Dammit Brother, you were the chosen one (or at least a meme)
Czy została na rynku jeszcze jakakolwiek legit firma od drukarek? T.T
Brother is now anti-consumer.
Dark times, these.
#Brother #Printers have been my go-to, especially in contrast to #HP, because I could use third-party-toners and not be imprisoned in a subscription. Brother demands the ID of my printer in order for a firmware update - I hate that. Why do I need to update? So third-party doesn't work anymore?
For years and years the go-to printer recommendation was "just get a Brother".
Now it sounds like they're going to take all that good will, throw it away and roll in raw sewage together with the likes of Hey Bean, I recommend that you get a Brother printer a while back. Sadly, it appears that Brother has joined the dark side. :( If you are happy with your printer, NEVER update the firmware as the company will make the printer awful:
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