Jack Nicholson stars in this bitter-sweet comedy that follows two college roommates seeking sexual fulfillment. One chooses the narrow confines of the marriage contract, the other the broader pleasures of playing the field. As they advance towards middle age, they wonder which of them has made out best...co-starring Ann-Margret, Art Garfunkel and Candice Bergen. From Academy Award winning director Mike Nichols (THE GRADUATE). Yours to own now: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Carnal-Knowledge-Spanish-Release-Conocimiento/dp/B07HSK1K88/ref=sr_1_2?crid=ZYDJHA12207R&keywords=carnal+knowledge&qid=1650632108&sprefix=carnal+knowledg%2Caps%2C153&sr=8-2 #JackNicholson #CarnalKnowledge #ArtGarfunkel
A moment from 1971's "Carnal Knowledge", written by Jules Feiffer and directed by Mike Nichols. At the time, it was considered so daring in its examination of sexual/social mores that the Supreme Court ultimately declared the film was not "legally obscene". #julesfeiffer
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