00:00 Triple Chain Tech 00:27 Instant Chain Tech 00:50 Figuring It Out 02:23 The Mystery Presents Itself 05:45 The Mystery is Solved 07:59 Tech Tutorial and Timings 09:05 Caveats 10:20 Outro 10:36 BONUS 5 Second Kill Videos referenced: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1CT9RYNExH - 【绝区零】朱鸢连携不触发下个连携bug(也有可能是特性) https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1cV9RYwE3B - 【绝区零】全网首发,无耀朱鸢3连携,搜过了确认没人发过(版本v1.5) https://youtu.be/4p8KusDoImM?si=wXZDF9h3TaQgcvTP - Zhu Yuan Manual Chain? 1 Stun Hans Kill + Rotation Examples | ZZZ 1.4
lmao people discovered pause screen tech in #zzzero this is gonna get patched for sure make sure to enjoy it while you can!! youtu.be/fLbQ4NtNcQs
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