YouTube video by The Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change
No cable news. No Trump speeches. Just this.
The title of Bearden's screenprint references Martin Luther King Jr.'s last speech, "I Have Been to the Mountaintop," which you can listen to here:
I'm listening to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s final speech in its entirety. Happy MLK Day! #MLKDay
Martin Luther King Jr. was a man who used his immense power in service to his people and country. Folks came to hear his words even with a storm warning in progress. It's worth it to take 50 minutes to listen to this today, what would be the final speech of his life. #MLKDay2025 #MLKDay
It seems fitting on the eve of MLK Day that we listen to the last speech he gave on the eve of his death. "I've been to the mountaintop...And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land..."
Listening to his speeches helps me feel better about what change can come. Aside from being a fitting tradition for MLK day, it's comforting to know how many people are hearing and/or reading his words right now. That's true legacy: to be a guiding light on days that come long after you've gone.
Be more like Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. When I need inspiration I listen to Dr. King. The speeches I want to hear today. The amazing MOUNTAINTOP SPEECH delivered spontaneously the day before MLK died ..
"I have been to the mountaintop..."
Going to remember what day it is. This is the last speech MLK ever gave. It took courage to give it. The next day, he was shot. He knew it was coming. It’s worth listening to the whole thing. Sure, it’s long… but what else have you got to listen to today?
Reverend Martin Luther King Jr the "I have been to the mountaintop."
The last speech of Martin Luther King. Murdered while organizing the Poor Peoples Campaign. I've been to the Mountain Top.
For those who are afraid of the next four years, have a listen ... #MLK #MartinLutherKing #Mountaintop #bluesky THIS IS THE I HAVE A DREAM SPEECH IN FULL... THE WHOLE PROGRAM .... POWERFUL!!!!!!
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