Union Glacier Camp is the only facility of its kind in Antarctica. Our full-service private camp operates during the Antarctic summer (November through January) and is dismantled at the end of each season. Our camp not only provides accommodations to guests on guided experiences but also serves as a logistics hub, supporting private expeditions and National Antarctic Programs. The camp is located in the spectacular and remote southern Ellsworth Mountains, on the broad expanse of Union Glacier. It is only accessible by air and all of our guests take their first steps in Antarctica here, on a naturally occurring blue-ice runway. Learn more: https://antarctic-logistics.com/camp/union-glacier-camp/
Far more interesting is this short video shot almost as if it's a Wes Anderson film about the camp where he stayed. It's open to tourism. Now I want to skydive over Antarctica. This video has nothing to do with the flat earther. It's just an interesting place. www.youtube.com/watch?v=gI_L...
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