
MGMT - Little Dark Age Cover in Classical Latin. Bardcore/Medieval style

"How does it feel to be fighting for a dying empire?" "EUPHORIC..." Original By MGMT : Consider supporting the channel, I know what I do ain't much but its honest work ❤ : Wanna follow and support me? Big thanks to @Constantine Bard for the instrumentals : A very big thanks to @juannecessarium for all the help with the translation and guidance in the making of this cover : Lastly a very big shoutout to my buddy and Bandmate @Sketchguitars for the mixing of the track :) Please go check out his channel too : Painting in the BG by Thomas Cole, "Destruction" Here are the lyrics : In atro spiranti, semisupino accubanti, Clades diei mihi cicatrices videntur. Et… Quo magis ego conor, eo minus cedit res, Sensus putrefiunt, dum vita transit. Oh oh, Ignosce quod talis es, quod quaedam consequi vis. Scias id non abire, quamvis te occultes. Cum e lecto surgis, noli ita stupere ob singula saxa in scaena, mea parva atra aetas. Chartas lusorias seligo, praesentiens quod prope est, Incisiones in facie dicunt id sibi difficile. Et… Motores deficiunt denuo. Simulatio habet fines. Animus non ídem est ex abnegatione ortus. Oh oh, eo nunc semper maereo, musica male sonat. Scio id non abire, quamvis me occultem. Si e lecto surgis, et me adstantem Invenis, apertis oculis, pagellam combure, mea parva atra aetas. Eo nunc semper maereo, musica male sonat. Scis id non abire, quamvis te occultes. Si forte e lecto surgo, stupentem et solum In proscaenio me invenies, mea parva atra aetas. Delectatione nauseatus, praevideo quod veniet. Imago mortuorum, in mente mea manet. Custodes ad deum iurant, manuballistas amorem dare. Sed scio amicos et me terga daturos certe. Si e lecto surgis, inveni nos in via ad pontem. Saxum et iram fer, mea parva atra aetas. Eo nunc semper maereo, musica male sonat. Scio id non abire, quamvis me occultem. Si e lecto surgis, et me adstantem Invenis, apertis oculis, pagellam combure, mea parva atra aetas. parva atra aetas, parva atra aetas parva atra aetas, parva atra aetas parva atra aetas, parva atra aetas …adstantem, apertis oculis, pagellam combure, mea parva atra aetas. #mgmt #latin #medieval #bardcore #romanempire

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