Terry Gross interviews comic Bill Burr about his foray into Broadway with Glengarry Glen Ross, cancel culture, and and how therapy and mushrooms helped him face his traumatic childhood. LISTEN TO DAILY EPISODES OF FRESH AIR https://www.npr.org/podcasts/381444908/fresh-air LISTEN TO OTHER FRESH AIR INTERVIEWS ON YOUTUBE (published once a week) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_hBoyeUT5njGiwtkQMm5sfWQ0eMROHnm SUBSCRIBE TO FRESH AIR+ FOR BONUS EPISODES https://plus.npr.org/freshair FOLLOW “FRESH AIR” https://www.facebook.com/nprfreshair https://www.instagram.com/nprfreshair https://twitter.com/nprfreshair https://whyy.org/freshair (Newsletter) LISTEN TO OTHER NPR PODCASTS ON YOUTUBE @nprpodcasts SUBSCRIBE TO WHYY AND NPR WHYY: https://www.youtube.com/@WHYYPhiladelphia NPR: https://www.youtube.com/@NPR NPR Music (Tiny Desk): https://www.youtube.com/@nprmusic Jazz Night in America: https://www.youtube.com/@JazzNightinAmerica NOTE: Captions are auto-generated by YouTube. See “Fresh Air” sponsors and promo codes https://www.nationalpublicmedia.com/podcastsponsors/freshair/ The NPR shows you love are possible thanks to your support. Donate today: https://www.npr.org/donations/support
[Terry Gross keeps going with her pointed questions] Bill Burr: I feel like I'm in the Terminator right now. It just keeps coming... he's not going to stop! Terry: I knew you wouldn't like this but... Burr: I'm enjoying the hell out of this!
Hearing Terry Gross and Bill Burr together is crazy. youtu.be/hXHsmnOrWAk?...
I'm not the world's biggest Terry Gross fan and find her to be sometimes overrated but man she pulls some great insights out of Bill Burr here. He's also fantastic, of course, and it's a great example of two people disagreeing but having a respectful convo www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXHs...
He's not wrong. Dems have no teeth. Stop crying about how you're leaving and do something about it. I'm not letting clowns run me out of my own country.
Bill Burr (extended interview) | Fresh Air Terry Gross got a dose of Burr. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXHs...
One guy with dyed hair plugs & a laminated face who does accidental Nazi salutes ... bossing the hell out of everybody. www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXHs...
If you need a break from doom scrolling today, here's an interview with Bill Burr: www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXHs...
He complains. I listened to the entire convo w/ my 14 yo son. Just listened. People just need to vent all the fury & frustration they feel about the world. It's not to argue or solve or change minds... just vent w/ no judgement. & not in threapy, but to a friend. youtu.be/hXHsmnOrWAk?...
Great interview with Bill Burr today on NPR's Fresh Air.
Bill Burr speaks the truth on Democrats and Liberals.
Great interview with Bill Burr www.youtube.com/watch?v=hXHs...
Terry Gross vs Bill Burr: Cage Match of the Month! Bill refuses to play by NPR rules, Terry undaunted. #billburr #terrygross #npr #freshair
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