[Part 2 of 2] "Humanitarian Interventions" are the greatest and most deadly scam of our age. In the name of "doing good" and "protecting the innocent" NATO has killed more people than any supposed dictator or rogue regime could ever have even dreamed of. The level of carnage the western alliance has unleashed on civilian populations in their very name is beyond the wildest imaginations. And when confronted with the death toll, the criminals behind those policies are usually even proud of it or express regret that not more bombs were dropped. Listen to professor David N. Gibbs' masterful take-down of one of the most criminal concepts of international relations to date. Dr. David N. Gibbs is Professor of History at Arizona University. He wrote numerous important books helping us to understand the contemporary United States of America; among them “Revolt of the Rich: How the Politics of the 1970s Widened America's Class Divide.” and the one we want to focus on today, “First Do No Harm: Humanitarian Intervention and the Destruction of Yugoslavia.” Follow David N. Gibbs on via homepage: https://dgibbs.arizona.edu
Dr. David N. Gibbs is Professor of History at Arizona University joins Pascal Lottaz. Listen to professor David N. Gibbs' masterful take-down of one of the most criminal concepts of international relations to date. #NeutralityStudies #NATO youtu.be/hYGr7FnvAs8?...
#US #NATO #MilitaryIndustrialComplex #Iraq #Ukraine #Russia #Germany #BRICS #politics #EU #UK He EXPOSED The Sickest LIE of The Century: How USA/NATO Killed Millions ... youtu.be/hYGr7FnvAs8?... via @YouTube
Did you know how many people neoliberalism has killed?
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