Team Ninja developers break down their newest installment in the Ninja Gaiden series and their ideas behind this brand new adventure releasing Fall 2025.
Yes, it’s from the Game Overview, which was played after the trailer in the Developer Direct.
We at Xbox Game Studios Publishing are beyond thrilled to support the incredible Team NINJA and PlatinumGames to bring NINJA GAIDEN 4 to the world! 我々Xbox Game Studiosパブリッシング は、アクションゲーム界の達人であるTeam NINJAとプラチナゲームズと共にNINJA GAIDEN 4を世に出せることを、大変光栄に思います!🙇 #ninjagaiden
Also whew <3 #NinjaGaiden
Really interesting to see the Ninja Gaiden franchise return with a futuristic take. Great way to refresh the brand. Gives me Batman Beyond vibes for sure. Levels remind me of Ghostrunner and a few other cyberpunk games recently
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