
Rome’s ‘Weak Hand’ Won a War—Can Ukraine Do the Same?

Get one of my t-shirts at BunkerBranding: In 216 BC, Rome suffered its worst defeat in history at the Battle of Cannae. Carthaginian general Hannibal has absolutely wrecked the Roman army, surrounding and annihilating them in a masterful tactical maneuver. Over 50,000 Roman soldiers are dead in a single day. Rome responded by using asymmetric warfare with the "Fabian strategy" avoiding direct battles and Wearing Hannibal down. Rome ran out of men for its legions and resorted to enlisting teenagers, freed slaves, and criminals. Instead of fighting Hannibal in Italy, Scipio invaded North Africa (204 BC), forcing Carthage to recall Hannibal. Scipio decisively defeated Hannibal, ending the war in Rome’s favor. Ukraine has asked for nothing except arms and ammunition, in a battle for their very survival. We were there once in 1776. And if we don’t stand up for freedom now, what will we do when China arrives on our doorstep? For uncensored video, check out my substack at: Like my shirts? Get your own at: Want a personalized greeting: Watch all of my long form videos: Twitter: @ryanmcbeth Instagram: @therealryanmcbeth BlueSky @ryanmcbeth Reddit: /r/ryanmcbeth Join the conversation: Want to send me something? Ryan McBeth Productions LLC 8705 Colesville Rd. Suite 249 Silver Spring, MD 20910 USA

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