The final video in my series of unplugged Tom B Wild ukulele originals just had to be this one! I'm very pleased to announce, that the Thomas Benjamin Wild Esq. Ukulele Songbook is now available to buy for £8 as a PDF download from my website! It features the lyrics, chords and chord diagrams for 18 original songs, including I've No More Fs to Give, I Don't Want Kids and many more! If you would like to buy one, just follow this link: If you'd like to access regular exclusive content, join my Patreon community by following this link:​​​ This song is available to purchase from my website: And features on my 2018 album Awkward Encounters While Walking My Dog, which is available from:​ Alternatively, you can purchase or stream it from your preferred music platform. Visit my website to purchase my music, get updates on new releases and purchase merchandise:​​​ Visit my Dizzyjam shop for even more merchandise:
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