
The Newsroom s03e03: The Climate Change Interview.

This now well-known episode of the Aaron Sorkin series, The Newsroom, is a jaw-dropping example of the deeply toxic relationship between mainstream media and the existential-level predicaments we face including Climate Chaos and Global Heating. This series played from 2012 to 2014. It may be useful to look at the collective global inaction regarding this issue. In fact the constant intensification and acceleration of all negative measures regarding this issue, as so clearly called-out by activists including Greta Thunberg, seems to point to a nearly universal disinterest in actually addressing this issue at all. Our deep thanks to Mr Sorkin and his creative team for this brilliant series and this profoundly piercing episode. This clip is proudly included in our online course work for the Collapse-Aware community in our programs at: See the notes below for information about our programs. __________ Please subscribe to this podcast while you are here... The Poetry of Predicament Podcast. Living Resilience / Deep Academy: Offering transformative support and resources to people bravely facing the human-caused Collapse of Earth and Human Systems… You are warmly invited to find nourishing support and resources in any and all of our programs... Including, our newest, five-week introductory program, Dancing at the Edge: Transformative Resilience facing our very human Predicament. (This course is available in live, and all-recorded / self-paced versions. _____ Find many other resources and subscribe to our newsletter on our website: * Safe Circle Support Groups / Tuesday nights 6p-730p Pacific Time * Transformational Resilience Coaching for Individuals and Groups _____ And, on the Deep Academy Programs page: Deep Academy - Online Learning Series: Start with our two-part Introductory Series: Living in Two Worlds and, Resilience. Subscribe to our special focus podcast series: Take My Hand: Conscious Parenting in a Time of Stolen Dreams For those ready for a deep dive into the Collapse-Aware conversation, and the expansion of capacity for presence in the face of larger and larger stressors... consider joining us in our ongoing Community of Practice. Contact Dean Walker for further details... ___ Contact: Dean Spillane - Walker Podcast: The Poetry of Predicament (YouTube channel) Deep Academy Online Learning Safe Circle Support Dean’s Coaching / Guidance Practice as described in his Deep Adaptation Forum listing: Support this work financially through Paypal:

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