
America’s Enemies Are WAY More Excited About Trump’s Return Than Our Allies

According to a new poll from the European Council on Foreign Relations, America’s enemies are far more excited about Donald Trump returning to power than our allies are. In fact, most of our European allies are expressing deep concerns about his return, whereas our “enemies” are ecstatic. This should be a huge red flag for every person in this country – if our allies are worried and our enemies are excited, then obviously that’s not going to end well for the planet. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this new poll.   Link – Subscribe to stay connected to our stories: Support us by becoming a member on YouTube: Or Support us on Patreon: Buy Ring of Fire merch: Find us on social media! Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: *This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos. If something happens around the planet and our allies become afraid, but our enemies feel empowered, you better believe that that is a bad thing for the United States of America. And I'm prefacing this segment with that to let you know that according to a new survey conducted by the European Council on Foreign Relations, most of our allies, a huge majority of our allies, particularly in Europe, are terrified. They're not happy about Donald Trump being reinstalled as the President of the United States. While our enemies, you know, the countries were always told we have to worry about China, Russia, North Korea, they're celebrating Saudi Arabia, they're happy hell, even India, who I, I don't know that we consider them our, our enemies, but certainly, you know, they've got some leadership issues there and some severe problems in the country due to that leadership. They're also very happy. Meanwhile, France, Germany, Denmark, and particularly the UK in this new survey, they're all overwhelmingly worried about Donald Trump becoming president of the United States again, but the number one country, 'cause this, this survey covered 24 different countries. The number one country that is terrified of Donald Trump coming back into power. And this should worry you as well, is South Korea, obviously during his first term as president of the United States, Donald Trump cozied up to Kim Jong-un. I mean, basically bowed down before the guy walking hand in hand through the country, talking to him behind closed doors. We now know about real estate opportunities in North Korea. He said, you gotta let a beautiful beach front property because our enemies, whether it's Kim Jong-Un, whether it's Vladimir Putin, they know how to manipulate Donald Trump. So that's why those countries are happy. Conversely, that's why the other countries are terrified. They know that all it takes is a call from, you know, the, the king of Saudi Arabia to say, listen, we wanna buy a billion dollars worth of weapons from you. Don't ask what we're gonna do with 'em, but hey, by the way, we're also gonna be coming to the United States to, to talk with you. We've booked a lot of rooms in your hotels. We can't wait to see you. The beautiful hotels, we love them. We can't get enough of them. And we know, by the way, you know, we've been working with your kids. You got got some projects coming along here, these are great. Whatever permits you need, uh, we'll get 'em for you. And just like that, Saudi Arabia gets a billion dollars worth of new weapons to go kill civilians across the Middle East, North Korea. Hey, we Really wanna do these, uh, missile exercises. We wanna start developing our weapons technology. By the way, you know, you mentioned beachfront property, right? I mean, we got a lovely little spot down here. I'm actually been kind of saving it for you. You know, if you wanna come over here, take a look at it, let's show the world, this show of strength between our two countries, uh, and, you know, maybe work out a little real estate deal while you're here. Let me know we're in right guys. Next thing you know, north Korea's developing stronger weapons. You get the point. Donald Trump is, is probably the most easily manipulated president that we've ever had. And it's not hard to figure out why. Do you think for years now, all of these conservative groups have been holding their events at Trump properties? Why do you think his hotels and his resorts are pulling in millions of dollars a year from conservative organizations?

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