Foreign Secretary David Lammy has shamelessly kissed boot and sold out FOUR TIMES in just the last week. Sick bucket at the ready! Right, so David Lammy really is a piece of work. Our foreign secretary is absolutely the sort of man who will do or say anything frankly to suit his own position, he’ll change face depending on who’s in charge or who he’s talking to and it’s how he can go from a backbench voice under Corbyn acting like a born again socialist, to entering the shadow cabinet and now government of Keir Starmer, by binning everything he said he stood for previously. The problem is, in this era of social media and the mainstream media even grasping the concept of holding onto the receipts, Lammy easily gets rumbled and it leads to frankly sickening levels of duplicity becoming exposed, from doing an about face to cost up to Donald Trump, to being all about tough action on small boat gangs, when if they’d bought and paid for Lammy out of some of their ill gotten gains, hen might instead take more the attitude with them that he takes with Israel. In the last week he’s been exposed for being a creepy little hypocrite four times over, and politicians as dishonest as that we need far fewer of. Right, so not only has David Lammy managed to expose himself as a hypocritical creep this week, he’s managed to do it on camera on three of those occasions, not only making himself look a complete mug, and I thought ITV’s Shehab Khan made a particularly good job of exposing just how easily Lammy is bought and paid for, was a meal or two all it took for you to go from Donald Trump being a woman hating, neo nazi sympathising sociopath to being very gracious and the answer it would appear is yes, but then you have to remember that when Lammy said that, Jeremy Corbyn was still leader, so he laughs it off as old news, because that’s what Jeremy Corbyn is now as far as he’s concerned anyway, and Lammy is very much the leopard who changes his spots, though leopard’s are ferocious, he’s more the poodle that went for a blue rinse I suppose. You can pull out any of my old tweets was the inference and they won’t matter any more because they’re old and my position has changed, more faces than a town clock as I have is the impression you get, a man of zero conviction who only holds political beliefs for as long as they are of benefit to him and them moment they no longer are, they’ll be dropped faster than one of Donald Trumps hot dinners. He laughs at Khan bringing it up, but it isn’t funny, because it speaks to the public that this is a man who will do and say whatever he needs to, to suit himself from one moment to the next, he has no principles. The next example though was even more stupefying. As you may or may not be aware, but I’d suggest more likely you are, because it is the sort of unhinged idiocy that comes from Donald Trump, the sort of thing that earns him a public rinsing, exposed for being utterly stupid as he is, Little Donnie wants to buy Greenland. ***Subscribe to the channel here*** ►ABOUT ME: Hi, I'm Damien Willey. I'm a former welder, but now I'm a writer, blogger, vlogger and presenter and interviewer with Socialist Telly (Please do go and visit what we all get up to on I'm an unpaid carer for my disabled wife and daughter and as such we know all too well the difficulties that are associated with that living in Tory Britain - both blue Tories and red ones - and I personally believe the answer lies in socialism. This channel, along with my other social media act as outlets to push back against that, to demand better of our politicians and leaders, to pull apart the media spin that supports them and the way the UK is run and to give a voice, loud as mine is, to the voiceless. ►CONTACT: Email: ►SUPPORT: If you appreciate the importance of alternative media in the UK and enjoy my work please consider financially supporting it. Various options to suit all budgets, please visit to find out more. Please support Independent Media. ►SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS Alternatively please share this video on your favourite social media & if you'd like to see what I get up to elsewhere, you can also find links to my presence elsewhere at Damo Rants Kernow Damo news,politics,UK politics,commentary,trending,boot licking,David Lammy,roast,social commentary,entertainment,lammy,keir starmer,starmer,kier starmer,donald trump,donald trumprump,trump greenland,greenland,trump,elon musk,david lammy donald trump,shehab khan,jeremy corbyn,hypocrisy,rachel reeves,rachel reeves china,brexit,syria,hts,shamima begum,sanctions,israel,small boat traffickers,small boat sanctions,kernow damo,damo rants,bds movement,damo,bds
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