Movable leading edge extensions. Learn OpenFOAM here: If you want to help support us in making educational aerodynamic videos, you can through our Patreon: CHECK OUT our new OpenFoam CFD course that covers everything from literally installing it to running your own DES simulations, and everything in between: CHECK OUT our new Intermediate CFD course that covers what you need to go into industry and do high quality simulations: Want an easy way to make your experiments 2-4% more accurate? Check out The Atmosphere Hawk to make your aerodynamic experiments better: Paper and original picture in thumbnail:, licensed under: #Aerodynamics #Aero #CFd #ComputationalFluidDynamics #FluidMechanics #AirplaneBuffeting #TransonicBuffeting #TransonicBuffetting #Shockwave #Shockwavebuffeting #shockBuffeting
So this is less of a podcast and more of a guide on different specialist aerodynamics concepts and queries? LEVCONs are phenomenal. Imagine if the blended form of the wing and the hull (producing a lifting body) could change the angle of the generated vortex per angle of attack. SU57 does this!
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