You need to be poor so the rich folks can stay rich. You need to be poor. It’s a fact, though it’s a bitch. When you ask for more in your paycheck or your life, you threaten some rich folks, maximizing their strife. You need to be poor so the rich folks can stay rich. You need to be broke so the rich can keep their yacht. You need to be broke, and learn to live on what you’ve got. The sooner you croak the less you’re gonna need cash. It’s rich folks who get hurt when stock markets crash! You need to be broke so the rich can keep their yacht. Poor people get all whiny ‘cause they can’t afford to eat. It really is embarrassing to see. A limousine that’s shiny, with plush leather for each seat, rich people need, and often must buy three. You must ‘just get by’ so the rich can have their share. Your piece of the pie should be barely even there. A cardboard box ‘neath an overpass is sufficient for those of the lower class. You must ‘just get by’ so the rich can have their share. copyright 2025, Bruce W Nelson
Mangy Fetlocks has a new tune concerning the Rich and their needs: #MAGA #Democrats #EatTheRich #Poor #Republicans
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