
The KRAY Twins - LEGEND. Why did their criminal empire collapse? Real story

WHAT REAL ENGLISH GANGSTERS WERE LIKE They were born on the same day. They were copies of each other and simultaneously wholly different people. One was a sadistic schizophrenic, and the other a striving businessman. One was a promiscuous homosexual, and the other tried to be a family man. But was there really that large of a difference between them, or was it all fiction? The Kray twins were true gangsters who were on the top and lost everything because of their own stupid decisions. They had only themselves to blame for having a bad ending. Here is their genuine story. If you look for why the Kray brothers became what they were, you should look at the fact that their family was of Irish and gypsy ancestry - a truly explosive mix. Ronald and Reginald were born on October 24, 1933. Reggie, technically, was the older brother because he was born ten minutes earlier. The Twins were not the only children in the family. They already had a six-year-old brother Charles, who would later play no small part in the brothers' life of crime, and a sister Violet, who unfortunately died in infancy. #gangsters #kraytwins #mobster

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