For the full discussion, please join us on Patreon at - Anti-Zionist Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro explains why Zionism has nothing to do with Judaism. 00:00:00 Nationalism on one side, Judaism on the other 00:02:53 The Hegelian Nationalism of ZIonists 00:05:36 The fallacy of The Holy Land 00:06:15 Next year in Jerusalem 00:07:00 A blood and soil relationship with the land 00:08:40 The distance between non-zionist jews and settlers is larger than the distance between Catholicism and Protestants 00:09:25 If you wanna be a zionist, take off your yarmulke 00:11:10 I would love if Israel exists, right now it doesn’t 00:11:56 Zionists made a Marvel comic book out of Judaism Yaakov Shapiro is a rabbinic scholar, speaker, author, and pulpit rabbi for over 30 years, now emeritus. He is a board director of the International Council for Middle East Studies, and the author of four books on Jewish theology and law. His most recent work is The Empty Wagon: Zionism’s Journey from Identity Crisis to Identity Theft a 1381-page treatise on the differences between Zionism and Judaism. His podcast, Committing High Reason, discusses topic relating to the history and ideology of Zionsim. #freepalestine #israel #ceasefire #jerusalem #marvel #israelpalestineconflict #judaism ***Please support The Katie Halper Show *** For bonus content, exclusive interviews, to support independent media & to help make this program possible, please join us on Patreon - Get your Katie Halper Show Merch here! Follow Katie on Twitter: @kthalps
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