
This Is A Song That Will Only Make Sense to Canadians - Jon Brett (Canada Day)

DOWNLOAD this song for FREE: Only Canadians will understand! Just in time for Canada Day! I hope you enjoy all the weird and wonderful things that make us perfectly Canadian! And, if you like this Funny Canada song please check out my other tunes and SUBSCRIBE!! This Is a Song That Will Only Make Sense To Canadians We all speak another language like “bonjour com en ca vas?” and Always answer “ca vas bien” or “comme çi comme ça” This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians Our kids use pencil crayon to colour maple leaves red**** And they know our ABCs will always end with a zed This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians Chorus: This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians The words are still in English but to you they may sound all wrong I’m sorry if you don’t understand, but I’m Talking to my friends from our home and native land This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians We play a game of shinny to keep us out of trouble Head down to the coffee shop to get Timbits and double doubles This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians Get in a snowball fight and knock the toque right off his noggin Then make amends and take him for a rip on your toboggan This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians Chorus Bridge: Drive a couple clicks to town, get that Kraft Dinner you’ve been cravin’ Or grab yourself a bag of milk and a pack of peameal bacon Later on we’ll go for dinner, grab some Canadian cuisine Then argue over whether it’s pronounced poutine or poutine You can have your 4th of July we’ve got Canada day But we all know May 24’s a better party anyway You can celebrate it with us, but you best be careful here We’d hate to see you getting drunk on one Canadian beer.. it’s pretty strong, eh? We’ve got hockey, we’ve got Newfies, we speak French and English, too We know that we are right when we spell colour with a U This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians We use metric, you use inches, We say loonie, you say buck You can try to call us hosers but we don’t give a Canuck This is a song that will only make sense to Canadians Chorus Download this song for FREE here: #Canadian #Canada #JonBrett

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