We bring you nothing of consequence as we ramp up for this episode-and stay tuned for a Star Wars only episode! We demonstrate the worst Christmas present Evar. I note my enjoyment of 8 episodes of Supergirl. Bringing you our assessments of October’s Marvels, we begin with IRON MAN 1+2. Bendis has taken over and it’s pretty self evident. Tony has to deal with a revitalized Whitney Frost and we couldn’t be happier as she collects mystic artifacts and awakens Von Doom’s Wrath. Armor and Dating, that’s Tony. CAPTAIN AMERICA 1+2 It’s new twists on old things as the Hotline is back, D-Man is back, and The Sons of the Serpent are back, and Armadillo for God’s sake is back, mixing in Snowden style leaks and more. CAP WHITE 3 has the boys getting themselves out of last issues’ pickle, and it amuses me that Nick hates Cap. Sewers are involved. AMAZING SPIDEY 1+2 feature Pete wandering around being businessy, hanging with Mockingbird, and Pete letting Sajani know she’s on notice. Leo shows up, and fails miserably, and there’s a lot of running around and joking. AVENGERS 0 is just an intro to the various new books, under a paper thin narrative. The “good” story is Vision purging emotion. A-FORCE 5 brings us sweet release with the Zombies breaching, and Singularity sacrificing herself for the power of Friendship! WHERE MONSTERS DWELL 5 finishes off Kaufman’s adventure in no-man’s-land, as we find how he and Clemmie are connected. It’s fun but weird and abrupt. Ms. MARVEL 19 is all about human connections revolving around Kamala, and damn is it good. OLD MAN LOGAN 5 is anticlimactic at best, as the current X-Men show up and Logan gets transported to the new, unified Manhattan. Dr. STRANGE 1 is 22 pages of rolling on the random encounters table, and it’s damned entertaining. NEW AVENGERS 1+2 has Bobby DaCosta in charge, and that just ain’t right. There’s yet another evil Reed, and that just ain’t right. Stay tuned for the ALL STAR WARS EPISODE!
sometimes, the legends just dont need YOU. youtu.be/ti99LkRi56k I Had To Watch DumDum, Hawkeye, and Sunspot Act Like They Were Equals
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