
To Trumpers: I Understand Your Anger

I understand your anger, but these are not the guys who are gonna help you get what you believe that you deserve. You’ve gotten a raw deal, but with billionaires most of the time, their own interests are paramount and therefore, are the interests they serve. To me, it’s pretty plain, you’re wallowing in pain so you just strike out at others when yourself you most disdain. Trump fed you fairy tales in which he was the hero on the horse who showed up in the nick of time to slay the dragon and to save your bacon. You bit hook line and sinker, cuz you were desperate and never dreamed you’d be so dumb to fall for such a charlatan whose only gift was takin’. To me, it’s pretty plain, you’ve screwed up once again, so you put the blame on others when it’s you who’s most to blame. copyright 2025, Bruce W Nelson

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