The Tesla Cybertruck is built with a cast aluminum frame. Get up to 40% off your RIDGE wallet here: (discount code: JerryRig) Huge thanks to RIDGE for sponsoring my science projects. This helps the cyber truck be manufactured extremely quickly. However - cast aluminum is not good for towing as we see in this Cybertruck durability test video. The hitch breaks around 10,000 pounds. (4500kg) Which is far too close to the 11,000 pound towing capacity. Yikes. While the Gigacasting method is *terrible* for the Cybertruck it is actually an amazing manufacturing process for Tesla's other vehicles which i highly recommend: If you want an electric truck that can still tow 11,000lbs and not snap in half - might i recommend a Rivian:
another demonstration of how if you load the Cybertruck hitch, the frame starts to crack at ~6k pounds, and at about ~10k pounds the entire back part of the frame snaps off
Cybertruck cast aluminum frame fails under 1000lbs less load than tesla claims is max towing capacity. Failure threshold should be -well- above listed towing capacity. Didn't drive behind one if they're towing anything. Continues to fail at being a truck in every category.
This was just uploaded today. The cyber trucks are put together with glue and come apart when towing. The frames break!
Hey, remember how they said that Whistlin' Diesel set up the Cybercuck and that's why his frame broke? Well someone tested that with a proper crane scale. Catastrophic fatigue failure at 10,400lbs hitch weight. The truck is rated for 11,000lbs towing.
Ut oh.
the cybertruck frame snaps before it reaches its listed towing capacity lol
"Should you tow with a Cybertruck?" Bruh, you shouldn't ever sit in one Even looking at one is offensive
Do not tow with a #CyberTruck says
Good to know it looks like all of Musk’s minions on YouTube are struggling with their Deplorians.
Cybertruck can't truck. Thanks Good info.
This is the least of Tesla's bad news today, but it's a fun watch.
A video was, just, posted about how the cybertruck tow hitch can break at 10Klbs downward force because the aluminum casting for the frame is thin and not steel like the original concept. It's even glued on. The idiots buying them are going to kill others. geweldig weer (en voorspelbaar)
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