Pierre Poilievre thinks nonbinary people don't exist...? Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre was just pressed on whether he’d follow the United States’ dangerous lead and declare that there are “only two genders.” Ignoring the fact that this is…demonstrably false…Poilievre decided to lean in with all the gaslighting prowess of your ex boyfriend. “I’m not aware of any other genders than men and women,” he responded, his eyebrows raised incredulously and a smirk on his lips. The comment was quickly touted as a “win” from the pundits and columnists who support him — despite the fact that it’s not true. Looking ignorant to own the media, amirite folks? Nonbinary people exist. Two spirit people exist. Poilievre pretending they don’t won’t make them go away. But it will make life harder for them, all while disinforming a public that might have otherwise been accepting and open-minded. Let’s talk about it. SUBSCRIBE ✨ SUBSTACK: rachelgilmore.substack.com PATREON: patreon.com/rachelgilmore TWITCH: twitch.tv/rachel_gilmore YOUTUBE: YouTube.com/@atrachelgilmore MORE READING: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-024-01979-5 https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/article/understanding-gender-identities-and-pronouns/ https://theappeal.org/trump-executive-order-trans-prisoners/
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