June 15, 1962 This newly digitized footage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. from the CBS 8 archives has not been seen since it aired in 1962. In it, King speaks to reporter Harold Keen in San Diego about topics that are just as relevant in the United States 60 years later. On voter registration of Black people in the South: “Over the last year, more than 100,000 Negroes have been added in the South. And, in a state like Georgia alone, over the last 90 days more than 35,000 new Negro registered voters have been added. All of the civil rights organizations have come together to work in this area.” On voter suppression: “We still have a great deal of opposition. All types of conniving methods are still being used such as complex literacy tests, intimidation and threats, and in some instances, economic reprisals are taken out against Negroes who seek to register and to vote. And I’m sure that the Justice Department will have to be vigilant and work with determination to end this if we are going to be successful.” On the accomplishments of his “Gandhi-like non-violent techniques” versus “direct action” - in the words of Harold Keen : “I think some very significant strides have been made over the last few years as a result of the non-violent struggle in the South. For instance, the sit-in movement which developed in 1960 has brought about integrated lunch counters in more than 150 cities of the South. Also, the Freedom Rides resulted in bringing about integrated transportation facilities in the South – all over the South. And with a few exceptions in Mississippi, most of the cities have complied with the ruling of the Interstate Commerce Commission. So, I would say strides have been made and we’re still making them in the non-violent struggle.” “I think that non-violence is a type of direct action, but it is not violent and it is not a bitter reaction. And I do feel non-violent resistance is the most potent weapon available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom and justice.”
Martin Luther King, Jr. 1962 interview. #MLKday youtu.be/w5vCPvGf6Tw?...
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