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youtube.com/watch?v=xuNa... Tesla swirl
@meidastouch.com not sure if you’re seen this YouTube video about Tesla video: youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?... Credits: youtube.com/@markmccann6...
Also no questions about why Tesla won't refund deposits I assume. Got linked to this the other day. youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?...
#Tesla steals £4 000 from a customer. youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?...
That's nothing; he stole $ 3 billion from US taxpayers. #SpaceX #Lies
The astounding #Testra money scam !! www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuNa...
youtube.com/watch?v=xuNa... Tesla is just a gigantic pyramid scheme.
who knows how it might be defined legally, but this is a Musk rip-off nonetheless. Rip-offs are not 'complicated'. Musk Lies are not complicated although he tries to make that so with his halting poor speaking voice that fakes 'nerdy'. youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuNa... The roadster that never came, although you made a 4000 pound deposit...
Tesla's customer deposit/ free financing racket youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?...
It’s not right to not refund a customer waiting for a product since 8 years. Elon talent for smart scams? youtu.be/xuNaXL9HA6s?...
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