I reveal the original surname Donald Trump's ancestors had before 1695. Ironically, it reflects his slogan: Drain the swamp! I am looking forward to your opinion in the comments! John Oliver’s Drumpf Fail 2016 video has been watched 41.5 million times. This video containing the real information will hardly make it to 4.100. This video is a follow up video of my first video that dealt with the German meaning of the Trump surname: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AgxkcLvT8_A I did it, guys! I edited without breaks for the last days. Finally, I can post this beauty of a video. It will be an ALL-TIME-BEST-VIDEO of mine. Will I get a Grammy like John 😉? Hilarious. Drain the Swamp XD. LMAO. Enjoy! Files used: Birth registry 1699: https://www.wikitree.com/photo/jpg/Trump-154 Churches registry: https://www.zentralarchiv-speyer.de/fileadmin/user_upload/zentralarchiv/03_Familienforschung/Dateien/Findbuch_045-Kirchenb%C3%BCcher.pdf Dictionaries: https://woerterbuchnetz.de/?sigle=PfWB&lemid=A00001 https://www.bavarikon.de/search?collectionid=bav:BSB-CMS-0000000000004050&lang=de http://www.fim.uni-linz.ac.at/Woerterbuch_oesterr_deut_englisch.htm Article: https://www.spiegel.de/lebenundlernen/uni/verbrecher-und-ganovennamen-der-grausame-wueterich-a-391276.html TIMESTAMPS 00:00 Intro 01:21 Church Registry 02:38 Revealing Walz 03:51 As a job 05:03 Where from? 07:08 Drain the Swamper 09:11 Amish Teenager Pregnancies 12:28 Shiggle-Groober 13:47 Other secrets? 14:08 Walzing Outro This video is definitely a John Oliver Trump win because it exposes the John Oliver Drumpf Wrong. As a consequence, it will a new John Oliver Trump debate. It is the most powerful John Oliver trump shot you will ever see. This video might lead to a John Oliver trump conviction. The content of this video will motivate prosecutor in a John Oliver trump trial. It will be watched around the world, so it is fair to call it a John Oliver trump Syria video. Some people will watch it as a John Oliver Trump iphone video. Could this video have prevented the events explained in the John Oliver Trump university episode? The John Oliver Donald Drumpf episode was definitely not the best John Oliver Germany episode. It was worse than the John Oliver AfD Germany episode. This video exposes a massive John Oliver fail. I will likely make another video debunking the @LastWeekTonight John Oliver full failure: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DnpO_RTSNmQ This video makes fun of the Donald Trump Drain the swamp slogan. Watch the John Oliver: Drain the swamp episode here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5HS2TstPfW4 Watch the @HBO the Swamp Drama Trailer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LaDpGq1ndSk @msnbc covered the crowd cheering Drain The Swamp here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCE_lAd0BLE This video has nothing to do with Drain the Swamp lil Darkie song. This video has nothing to do with the movie scream queens drain the swamp. But it might inspire a new Drain the swamp song. It will be included in future drain the swamp documentaries. This video shows several quotes of the Drain the Swamp speech. I elaborate on the Donald Trump Drain the swamp meaning. The video is similar to the Stossel Drain the Swamp video. Watch the Drain the Swamp video by the @WashingtonPost here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg9ypxT9V3g We create the New Make America Sultzer Again Movement also known as MASA movement. Get to know the Donald Swamphole surname. Be the first to learn the Donald Trump Sultzer background. Until 1695, they had another surname instead of the Trump surname: Sultzer. We also shed light on the Donald Trump Stormy Daniels trial. We discuss a case very similar to the Stormy Daniels case. This video deals with an ancestral form of the Donald Trump Stormy Trial. I hope @RBReich and @SecularTalk will pick up on this video. Let us hope @bulwarkmedia , @thedavidpakmanshow , @briantylercohen will cover the baffling insights into the Trump family history. I am sure @dollemore , @ivehaditpodcast , @MeidasTouch and @TheYoungTurks will be very interested in covering the story of this video. Who knows maybe even @CNN , @ABCNews and @FoxNews will inform their viewers about this breaking news content of this video. Cameo appearances: Corinna Daubner from the @tagesschau , @TimWalz and Stormy Daniels. Thumbnail titles: Donald S…, Donald S……., Not Sending their best people., Donald Trump Sultzer, Donald Trump Sulzer, Donald Sultzer Trump, It's Sulzer Trump, Not Drumpf. S**T*ER, He fooled John, Don fooled John Previous titles: What was the TRUMP surname until 1695? COVER-UP scandalous ancestors. Hilarious., Real Donald Trump surname revealed! NOT Drumpf by far. FAMILY SCANDALS leaked. #makeamericadrumpfagain #donalddrumpf #donaldtrump
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