One of the most important jobs of the Prime Minister is keeping Canadians safe. But Pierre Poilievre is refusing to get a top secret security clearance — the same clearance every party leader needs to make critical national security decisions. With reports of foreign countries trying to interfere in Canada’s elections, Poilievre’s refusal to take national security threats seriously is raising serious questions. Experts say Poilievre needs to get his clearance to keep Canada safe. Yet he won’t. Why not? #nationalsecurity #explained #elections #canada
WATCH: The gloves are off! It’s been an under-reported scandal for quite a while that Pierre Poilievre refuses to apply for security clearance. It was a scandal EVEN BEFORE the most recent efforts to undermine Canada’s democracy, sovereignty and economy from Trump, Musk and the GOP. Share this.
PMJT released this video 2 days ago. Why? Because as a final act of his governance he wants everyone to know how dangerous Pierre Poilievre is. Message to ALL Canadians: Pay attention, don’t let a corrupt slithering 🐍 enter your government to enrich themselves and not worried about you! Trudeau is WARNING ‼️ Don’t end up like the US! Stand united 🇨🇦 against corruption!
I'm going to miss him as the PM. #NeverPP #cdnpoli
Why won't Pierre Poilievre get his security clearance? #cdnpoli FINALLY!!! This has been bugging me for over a year now and I've been frustrated that no one seems to take it seriously or care at all that a LEADER of a major parliamentary party REFUSES to get security clearance. What is #Poilievre hiding? Or, what is he lying about?
Exactly. Also,why does Polievre categorically refuses to get his security clearance when Canada is clearly being attacked by foreign agents ? What is he afraid of?
Why Won’t Pierre Poilievre Get His Security Clearance?
Hey, #Poilievre, why won’t you get your #securityclearance ? What are you afraid of?? Not a leader, never a Prime Minister. #Canada #Cons #cdnpoli
apparently, CSIS offered to brief Poilièvre about foreign interference—without having to get security clearance—since Conservative MPs are implicated. he refuses to be briefed. he’s disinterested in national security matters. this is most telling. & damning. #cdnpoli
Let’s “Putin-proof” Canada! How about Conservative voters in Canada demand Poilievre get his security clearance! I love that he can say whatever he wants to now. Never Polly.
🇨🇦 When the time comes, please #CommitToVote for Canada! 🍁 #NeverPoilievre #NeverVoteConservative #cdnpoli
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