On this week's episode of For A Living, we focus on Alua Arthur, who calls herself a Death Doula. She helps people prepare for death physically, mentally, and spiritually at Going With Grace. Check out this episode of For A Living to see how she does it! http://goingwithgrace.com/ ABOUT SERIES For A Living documents extraordinary women thriving within unique careers. From a mortician to a professional cuddler to a celebrity exorcist, we explore niche professions that women in the field are dominating. ABOUT REFINERY29 Refinery29 is a modern woman's destination for how to live a stylish, well-rounded life. http://refinery29.com/ RELATED CONTENT I'm 30 & I Embalm Dead Bodies For A Living https://youtube.com/watch?v=ePQmd2phpDA Why I Chose To Live Like Mad Max At The Apocalypse https://youtube.com/watch?v=zKqlj1KtIxM What $2,900 Will Get You In NYC https://youtube.com/watch?v=8Ci3Hcyghl4 SEE MORE REFINERY29 VIDEOS http://refinery29.com/video SUBSCRIBE TO REFINERY29 Subscribe to the Refinery29 channel: http://bit.ly/subscribe-to-r29 For the latest trends and videos, visit: http://refinery29.com Like Refinery29 on Facebook: https://facebook.com/refinery29 Follow Refinery29 on Twitter: https://twitter.com/refinery29 Heart Refinery29 on Instagram: https://instagram.com/refinery29/ TALENT Follow Refinery29 on Instagram: https://instagram.com/refinery29/
"Talking about sex won't make you pregnant. Talking about death won't make you dead." If only more folks knew how interconnected these two comparisons. This video is well worth watching: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jVjk....
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