Uncover the hidden stories of beauty during World War II. Learn about the incredible ingenuity of women who kept their spirits high with makeup, despite rationing and even Hitler's bizarre dislike of red lipstick. You won't believe what they did! Watch now to discover the secrets of wartime glamour. #history #Beauty #WW2Secrets Footage and References: The Flapper Story https://archive.org/details/theflapperstory_201705 by Lazin, Lauren; Stanford University. Department of Communication; Film Arts Foundation (San Francisco, Calif.); Cinema Guild Nurses & Vintage women by Glamour Daze via online archives.org Credit: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. War footage Credit: Library of Congress, Motion Picture, Broadcasting, and Recorded Sound Division. All American News, I. (1945) All-American news. -03, no. 4. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress, https://www.loc.gov/item/2018601435/ https://archive.org/details/youtube-ElhvbsaWyOw Photos of Victory Red Lipsticks, First Aid Kits, and Military women by Terri Chappelle Boyd ✦ Website ✦ www.erinparsons.com ✦ Follow ✦ TikTok (2+ Million Followers) https://www.tiktok.com/@erinparsonsmakeup Instagram (1.1 M) https://www.instagram.com/erinparsonsmakeup ✦ Credits ✦ Editor and YT Manager: Seanna Sutton @SeannaMiriah
If you like any of my historical work, I *highly* recommend you watch this. It's a fascinating look into the WW2 culture war, and how just a little bit of kindness can restore stolen dignity from the marginalized and harmed. Watch to the end. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_H...
Something to think about whilst in the current timeline: m.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_H...
Just the first minute. Fascists and Nazis are never not projecting, at least they're consistent. Never heard about Hitler and red lipstick till now.
“ #Nazis #banned #Women’s #Cosmetics” ❓ did they? we *do* know #Hitler hated #red #lips 💋
I never thought I would tear up while watching an Erin Parsons historical makeup video, but here we are.
Sitä käyttää ison osan vapaa-ajastaan katsellen toisen maailmansodan juttuja ja aina välillä muistaa, että sotaan liittyy niin paljon muutakin kuin taistelut ja kalusto.
If you know anything about me you know I love 2 things: military history & makeup. Erin Parsons made a beautiful video about the history of makeup, especially Elizabeth Arden & Montezuma Red, in WWII. youtu.be/-I_HMGUly4Q?...
fascinating history of Hitler and women and cosmetics (and smoking): www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_H...
scrolled back forever to find this post so I could send you this ABSOLUTE GEM of a video, Kate! youtu.be/-I_HMGUly4Q?...
eu nn tava esperando o final desse video me fazer chorar youtu.be/-I_HMGUly4Q?...
This video is a good tool against fascism. youtu.be/-I_HMGUly4Q?...
Erin Parsons did the thing, Makeup is POLITICAL www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_H...
Fascinating documentary on red lipstick, makeup, resistance and personal identity during war time, by Erin Parsons Makeup: youtu.be/-I_HMGUly4Q?...
I love Erin Parsons Makeup on Youtube; a cosmetics historian and collector, and a stunning makeup artist herself. Today's offering will strike a chord if you're attuned to authoritarian dog whistles and, if you're like me, shed a tear. www.youtube.com/watch?v=-I_H...
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