The fight took place at the Hampton Inn Convention Centre in Ottawa on March 31, 2012. It was a bout for the cancer charity Fight for the Cure. Live coverage in English was provided by Sun News Network. Watch Brazeau get booed for saying Trudeau hadn't managed to get him down (about the 15:05 mark).
Justin Trudeau vs Patrick Brazeau charity boxing match. Nobody stole the funds raised for charity
It’s becoming a Canadian tradition
shades of how #JustinTrudeau beat the snot out of a #GOPwannabeTory #TittyBar (“pimp”) asshole #Brazeau #PunchNazis 🥊 💨
I'll miss Justin Trudeau. Here's Trudeau in a boxing match with loud-mouth, bully and CONservative Patrick Brazeau. Watch til the end! (April 1, 2012) Canada is so lucky We're stuck with Bunker Bone Spurs and his strong mouth.
To be fair, I actually think that Patrick Brazeau could win this time.
This was almost as good as Canada 🇨🇦 beating the USA in the final game ✌️❤️🇨🇦 Just want to say thank you Justin Trudeau for looking after me and all my fellow Canadians ❤️🇨🇦❤️ over all these years ❤️ Enjoy what you fought for all these years✌️🖖❤️🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇦 is strong now & forever❤️🇨🇦❤️
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