This is the first of a multi-part series covering just how far Russia's reach into the US is. You're getting early access to this video to show you what you're missing out on! Join Patreon now to see the first 5 videos of The Russian Reach series, and help us donate to MedShare in the process. Join the Patreon here: Info on MedShare International: Full Newsletter: Where to find more? Join the Patreon: Subscribe to the Newsletter: Subscribe to the YouTube Channel: Listen to the Podcast: Zeihan on Geopolitics website: Purchase the Webinars Here: Where to find me on Social Media? Patreon: Twitter: LinkedIn: Instagram: Facebook: #trump #russia #intelligence #washington
Historian Geopolitical analyst Peter Zeihan opens his Russia series with ‘this ain’t maga any more’. Laying out the path to how the Russians are in the White House.
"Everything that is on this list is something the Russians have tried before." Zeihan is a very level headed analyst. He makes a strong and detailed argument that everything that is happening seems designed to weaken or even destroy the US. This needs to blow up. Please repost. #Krasnov #Trump
🔥 Peter Zehan, well known geopolitical economist on Russian Reach into US at this point.
Recommended: Peter Zeihan (geopolitical strategist, author, speaker) on The Russian Reach series. He puts in context what already seems like an obvious connection between russia and the trump administration. As if I wasn't already scared enough! 😳 #BuckleUp
Yes, they have. The US admin is now an open ally of russia. Even Peter Zeihan is now recognizing it openly:
For the 1st time in a 25 yr career as international analyst Peter Zeihan is worried for the USA. Watch the whole thing. He lays out some very well researched ideas about who really benefits from this Admin. We may need to prepare for something horrible.
When even experts are starting to say that the Trump regime might be destroying the USA from the inside to please its master in the Kremlin. Scary shit!
Maybe we do have to consider the possibility that Trump is a Russian asset. Maybe this is one of those rare instances where the conspiracy theorist have it right. The Russian Reach: Series Introduction || PETER ZEIHAN
If you're an American, whether #MAGA or a #Resist member, you need to see this video #USA. Yes, I was saying some of it but this vid comes from Colorado and from a fairly reputable source. The picture is looking... I'll let you comment! Perhaps I should include #NAFO
The Russian Reach "This is the first of a multi-part series covering just how far Russia's reach into the US is." Peter Zeihan is a geopolitical strategist, author, & speaker known for analyzing global economic & political trends based on geography & demographics.
This will make you smarter. Worth your time. Peter Zeihan is now convinced Russia has penetrated the Whitehouse.
Kind of what we are seeing...
This is new. Peter Zeihan appears to be concerned The Russian Reach: Series Introduction || PETER ZEIHAN
This is very good. Hat tip to my Alaska friend Joe Bedard 🎩
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