During the funeral of former President Jimmy Carter, his grandson, Jason, shared stories about the Carter family home in Plains, Georgia, and joked about his grandparents' "depression era roots." #CNN #News
Jason Carter did a beautiful job delivering this tribute to his grandfather. He has his grandfather’s smile. Jason Carter. President Carter’s grandson delivers a tribute to his grandfather. youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?...
This eulogy by Jimmy Carter's grandson, Jason, is worth taking a few minutes to watch. It's a reminder that we can all strive for good. Plus, it just very touching. youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?...
Every eulogy during President Carter's funeral services was poignant and inspiring - about faith, humility and a life of service. This one, I think, was best of the bunch - Jason Carter sharing beautiful, funny and touching memories of his "pawpaw." What a lovely testament to a profoundly good life.
I love that Jason Carter quoted Jason Isbell in his eulogy. #flagship Rest in peace, President Carter youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?...
I've been dreaming a lot about my folks' place, since Mom died at this time of year. Jason Carter's description about 2 min in, of the phone mounted on the kitchen wall -- and the arrangement for drying plastic bags after washing them -- takes me right back. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbU6...
He shared his grandfather with the world, while his grandfather shared the world with him. Perfect. A eulogy like this is worth dying for, I think. Funny, moving, filled with love and character. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbU6...
Really good, interesting, loving tribute. www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbU6...
Compare and contrast... www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbU6...
🥹🥹🥹 www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbU6...
Powerful message. youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?...
Jimmy Carter's grandson jokes about grandparents' home youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?... via @YouTube
youtu.be/zbU66155uEY?... Jimmy Carter's grandson jokes about grandparents' home
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